Chuck Noell
In the nearly two centuries since Henry David Thoreau wrote “On Civil Disobedience” and more than a century since Mahatma Gandhi launched his first “Experiments with Truth,” Non-Violence has morphed into a literal martial art.
Invites Us...
In The Martial Art of Non-Violence to join him in a journey across Slideways Time, the realm where COVID-19 collides with the Spanish Flu, the Falling Towers of 9/11 with the May, 1970 shootings at Kent State University, where the Resistance to the Vietnam War re-engages with the many faces of resistance (#MeToo & the Arab Spring, #BLM & the Color Revolutions, Stop the Pipelines & SaveOurDemocracy) in the Climate Change Century. Non-Violence, across time, is much more than “peaceful protest.” It’s even more than martial art. It is the one Art that enlists our dreams as our best – and our ultimate- weapon against our delusions.
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